Hi, it's Mohit

I'm a senior software engineer with 3+ years of experience in the full software development cycle.


Let's connect the dots

Combining the power of backend and frontend development is my forte. As a versatile developer proficient in both realms, I leverage my skills to seamlessly integrate server-side and client-side functionalities. Alongside my expertise in AWS, I ensure optimal performance, scalability, and a user-centric experience in all my projects.

Ask why Understand how

Clear understanding and open communication are fundamental parts of my process: expect lots of questions - questions that help clear barriers, unpack assumptions and spark eureka moments.

From a solo act to a team player

If you wanna go quickly, I can make it happen. As a fast paced learner with a high quality bar, I can go solo when needed. But if you wanna go far and prefer collaboration over competition, then we may be a match made in heaven!

Work Experience

Accomplished senior software engineer with a trailblazing career defined by visionary leadership and transformative contributions.


Take a sneak peek on LinkedIn

Uff, you came so far... Here's my journey

My journey began with a Bachelor of Technology degree, and since then, I've been immersed in the exciting world of software development

From the early days of exploring front-end and back-end technologies, I've embraced the challenge of crafting end-to-end solutions. Along this journey, I've had the privilege of winning gold and silver medals at the state level during my college years, showcasing my dedication and excellence both inside and outside the classroom.

With each project across diverse industries, I've pushed boundaries, solved complex problems, and made a meaningful impact. Continuous learning has been my compass, driving me to stay ahead of the ever-changing tech landscape. Alongside technical expertise, I've cultivated leadership and collaboration skills, empowering teams to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Reflecting on my journey, I take pride in the milestones that have shaped me into the senior software engineer I am today. Looking ahead, I remain committed to excellence, eager to leave an indelible mark on the future of software engineering.

Well... That's all for now!

Feel free to say hi!

It's easy to find me around, specially if you are a web lover too.

Contact Number: +91 7696373501

Accessibility Statement for people who use screen readers

This paragraph was written specially for those who use screen readers... that's right, you! If you find anything weird or you feel lost in this website, please reach out to me and I'll do my best to make it better for you. The web is awesome and I believe everyone should be able to enjoy it, no matter what!